Levis, riots and teenage aspirations
This ad, surely one of the most evocative for a jeans company, has become iconic […]
Open letter to an SEO copywriter
At least once a year, I am contacted by a customer or agency that has […]
Writing e-mail messages: what do you want to achieve?
I just received an e-mail message a few minutes ago which hit my irritation button. […]
Four things to do before attending a trade fair
I’m currently busy preparing for a trade fair, Midem in January. So like everyone else, […]
What makes a brand “cool”?
Britain’s Observer magazine had an interesting supplement this weekend: a list of Britain’s coolest brands. […]
E-commerce is not a carrot any more
Remember e-commerce? That shiny new thing that would save business and give us all the […]
Lessons from product naming
[Updated July 2023] When will we run out of names? Although I originally got involved […]
Cannes 2010: the art of the pitch
I remember when it was held as a truth that the written word was dying […]